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The Ways Of The Uzbek State To Fight Aggression Of Extremism And Terrorism

Hayitmatov Zohidjon Mingodilovich , Senior Lecturer, Andizhan State University, Uzbekistan
Nurmatov Oybek Turdimamatovich , Senior Lecturer, Andizhan State University, Uzbekistan
Sattarov Mukhiddin , Senior Lecturer, Andizhan State University, Uzbekistan


The article describes the implementation of the aggression of religious extremism and terrorism in the state of Uzbekistan, as well as ways to combat its grave consequences. The article also reveals that young people are exposed to the ideological influence of religious extremism and terrorism, as well as its tragic consequences.


Democratic Freedoms, Religious Freedoms, Political Interests


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Hayitmatov Zohidjon Mingodilovich, Nurmatov Oybek Turdimamatovich, & Sattarov Mukhiddin. (2021). The Ways Of The Uzbek State To Fight Aggression Of Extremism And Terrorism. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 3(12), 71–76.