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On The Formation And Development Of Early Roads In The Aral Sea Region

Salamat Khudaybergenov , PhD Researcher, Karakalpak State University, Karakalpak, Uzbekistan


The article discusses issues related to the development of the Aral Sea region by ancient hunters and fishermen, describes the geography of archaeological sites in the Aral Sea region, the ancient deltas of the Amu Darya as well as studies the foundations of the formation of ancient routes that connected the South Aral Sea region with adjacent territories and their importance in the development of the region.


Ustyurt Plateau, Sultanuizdag Ridge, Eastern Pre-Caspian Region


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Salamat Khudaybergenov. (2021). On The Formation And Development Of Early Roads In The Aral Sea Region. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 3(12), 58–64.