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Agricultural Tax In The Uzbek SSR After The Second World War

Rasuljon Duschanov , Lecturer, Department Of Source Studies And Archives, Faculty Of History, National University Of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


In the postwar years, the tax system in the Soviet state remained practically unchanged. In the postwar years, work has intensified to restore agriculture and implement state plans. Taxes were lowered and abolished to revive the economy, military taxes were abolished in 1946, and taxes were levied on multi-tiered payments to the country’s small families, homeless and lonely.


Fergana, Andijan And Namangan, Cotton, Agricultural Products


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Rasuljon Duschanov. (2021). Agricultural Tax In The Uzbek SSR After The Second World War. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 3(12), 1–8.