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Using Debate Method In Teaching English Language To Tourism Students At Higher Education Institutions

Umarova Sarvinoz Sardorovna , Lecturer, Faculty Of Philology, Urgench State University Urgench, Uzbekistan


The aim of the article is twofold: first, to discuss essential teaching method of «Debate» and to point out the importance of utilizing the following pedagogical methodology during English teaching classes. Article also attempts to reveal the efficiency of using this method while teaching tourism students to English vocabulary. 


Debate, English


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Ispol'zovanie diskussii na zaniatiiakh inostrannogo iazyka v ramkakh problemnogo obucheniia pri podgotovke sovremennykh spetsialistov [The usage of the discussion at the lessons of a foreign language in problem-solving approach to modern professional training]. Available at: (accessed 16 January 2018).

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Umarova Sarvinoz Sardorovna. (2020). Using Debate Method In Teaching English Language To Tourism Students At Higher Education Institutions. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(10), 455–459.