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Synergetic Aspects Of The Historical And Cultural Fundamentals Of The Development Of Confessional And Philosophical Doctrine In Central Asia

Evatov Salimjon Sobirovich , Lecturer At The Department Of Civil Society, Fergana State University, Uzbekistan


The article analyzes the emergence of mystical and philosophical doctrines in Central Asia, their stages of development, the content and essence of the ideas put forward in them. The article also analyses the history of synergetic aspects of the relationship between orthodox Islam and mysticism in Central Asia, based on the analysis of the socio-economic, political and spiritual-cultural reasons for the formation of sects in Central Asia.


Religion, Islam, mysticism


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Evatov Salimjon Sobirovich. (2020). Synergetic Aspects Of The Historical And Cultural Fundamentals Of The Development Of Confessional And Philosophical Doctrine In Central Asia. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(10), 352–359.