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Innovative Geographical Education - A Factor For Effective Formation Of Geographical Culture

Avazov Sherimmat , Tashkent State Pedagogical University Professor, Candidate Of Pedagogical Sciences, Uzbekistan
Saydamatov Farkhod Rajabovich , Tashkent State Pedagogical University Great Teacher Tashkent, Uzbekistan


This article reveals the most common innovative technologies in geography education, the relevance of innovative geographical education, the main objectives of innovative geographical education, the tasks, basic principles (principles) of innovative geographical education and the factors of their effective formation of geographical culture. The teacher is taught to understand innovative geographical education as a method of forming a geocologically cultured (competent) student / student personality. Enlightenment (pedagogical) innovation is mainly covered by the following concepts - innovation, educational innovation, innovation, innovation, innovation process, innovation activity, pedagogical innovation, pedagogical innovation, pedagogical innovation process, pedagogical innovation activity.


Innovation, geography


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Avazov Sherimmat, & Saydamatov Farkhod Rajabovich. (2020). Innovative Geographical Education - A Factor For Effective Formation Of Geographical Culture. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(10), 279–285.