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Drawing Up Stories Based On Drawings As A Means Of Developing Coherent Speech In Children Aged 5-7 Years

Gulnoza Najmiddinova , Teacher Of The Department “Psychology And Pedagogy Of Preschool Education” Tashkent State Pedagogical University Named After Nizami, Uzbekistan


This article discusses the role of organizing and conducting excursions and observations for the development of speech of preschool children in the conditions of modernization. About the ability of the teacher to plan and organize excursions and observations correctly for the development of coherent speech of children of senior preschool age and enrichment of their vocabulary. The use of various types and forms of excursions in training, allowing you to diversify its process. The more they are used by the teacher, the higher the interest of children. Only the right approach to the process of organizing and conducting excursions in the pre-school district will provide a high-quality result.


Excursion, observation


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Gulnoza Najmiddinova. (2020). Drawing Up Stories Based On Drawings As A Means Of Developing Coherent Speech In Children Aged 5-7 Years. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(10), 269–273.