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The Features Of Online Lessons In Teaching English As A Foreign Language

Umida Raimjanovna Irgasheva , Senior Lecturer, The Chair Of Uzbek Language And Literature, Almalyk Branch Of Tashkent State Technical University, Uzbekistan


This article provides the features of online lessons, the differences between online and offline lessons in teaching English as a foreign language. The advantages and disadvantages of online and traditional lessons in teaching English are described here. They are considered as modern methods of teaching English including such criteria as motivation, the quality of the perception of the material, understanding of speech, overcoming the language barrier and construction of the lesson.


Online, offline


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Umida Raimjanovna Irgasheva. (2020). The Features Of Online Lessons In Teaching English As A Foreign Language. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(10), 237–242.