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Studying Stone Paintings: Tepakiyasoy Petroglifs

Oynazarov Holiyor Goyibnazarovich , Lecturer Of The Department Of History Of Uzbekistan And Source Studies, Termez State University, Uzbekistan


By studying the Tepakiyasay petroglyphs, it is possible to enrich the scientific understanding and conclusions about the emergence and development of the first works of art in the territory of Uzbekistan. These stone paintings serve as an important source for studying the mythological and religious worldviews and imaginations of the ancient people who lived there.


Zarautsoy, Zarabag


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Oynazarov Holiyor Goyibnazarovich. (2020). Studying Stone Paintings: Tepakiyasoy Petroglifs. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(10), 217–222.