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The Effect Of The Russian Empire On The Political Life Of The Emirate Of Bukhara (1868-1917)

Yangiboeva Dilnoza Uktamovna , Lecturer Of Termez State University, Uzbekistan


The article describes the influence of the Russian Empire on the socio-political life of the Emirate of Bukhara in the late XIX - early XX centuries during the reign of Mangit emirs Muzaffar (1860-1885), Abdulahad (1885-1910) and Alimkhan (1910-1920). There were many people who looked at this country, which has beautiful nature, fertile soil and rich in minerals. The Central Asian khanates, which were part of a constantly changing world, did not undergo renewal, despite their obsolescence. At the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries, when the Emirate of Bukhara became politically and economically full of the policy of the Russian Empire and officially became its vassal, many historical events took place in its social life.


Amir Muzaffar, , Zirabulak Agreement


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Yangiboeva Dilnoza Uktamovna. (2020). The Effect Of The Russian Empire On The Political Life Of The Emirate Of Bukhara (1868-1917). The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(10), 171–177.