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Surkhandarya Region’s Electricity Lines

Sitora Boboeva Ruzimakhmatovna , Lecturer of Termez State University, Uzbekistan


This article discusses the history of the electrical industry of Surkhan oasis and the works of Soviet government that was related to setting electrification, adopted official documents, the archive funds and analysis of the statistical materials in this article.


Pattakesar, Termez


Qobulov E. The first steps of Surkhandarya industry. - Termiz, 1993. – p.15.

Lenin's flag, November 6, 1960.

Current archive of the historical museum of the Surkhandarya regional enterprise of electric networks.

Surkhandarya regional state archive 12 funds, 1 record, 15 vols.

MDA of the Republic of Uzbekistan, fund 86, record 1, case 4197, p.64

MDA RUz, fund 86, record 1, case 4197, p.105

Surkhandarya regional state archive fund 503, 1 record, 6 vols.

MDA of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 95-f, note 2, case 2937, 14 pages.

MDA of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 95- f, note 2, case 15-16, pp. 36-36.

MDA of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 837-f, note 32, case 1444, p. 197.

MDA of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 837-f, 32-note, 1444-case, 196-sheet.

Tursunov S., Pardaev T. Unforgettable courage.- Tashkent, 1995 -p. 19.

Surkhandarya regional state archive 334-fund, 1 record, 633-work, p.7-8

MDA of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 837-f, note 32, case 4161, p.49-50.

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Sitora Boboeva Ruzimakhmatovna. (2020). Surkhandarya Region’s Electricity Lines. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(10), 165–170.