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The History Of Trade Relations Of Central Asian Countries With Foreign Countries

Uktam Mansurov , Associate Professor, Candidate Of Historical Sciences, Tashkent State Pedagogical University Named After Nizami, Uzbekistan


The article describes the history of trade relations of Central Asian countries with foreign countries in ancient and medieval times, the importance of the Great Silk Road, the impact of these relations on political, economic, diplomatic, ethnic and cultural relations. It states that due to diplomatic and trade relations with foreign countries, mutual relations have been established, and the movement of citizens abroad and their entry is based on certain rules. Attention is paid to such factors as the impact of such relations on the socio-political and economic situation in those countries, the specific way of life of the peoples of the region, the way in which diplomatic relations are established. The article focuses on the development of trade relations with foreign countries during the reign of ancient Khorezm, Sogdiana, Parthia and the medieval Hephthalites, the Turkish Khanate, the Arab Caliphate, Amir Temur and the Temurids, the Central Asian khanates, Khiva, Kokand, Bukhara khanates.


Trade, market


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Uktam Mansurov. (2020). The History Of Trade Relations Of Central Asian Countries With Foreign Countries. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(10), 110–116.