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Note Design Of Khorezm Makoms And Mutual Integration Of Music With Fine Arts

Samandar Kuzievich Khudaibergenov , Professor, Department Of Music Education, Urgench State University, Urgench, Uzbekistan
Diyarbek Janibekovich Khaitbaev , Senior Lecturer, Department Of Fine Arts And Engineering Graphics, Urgench State University, Urgench, Uzbekistan


The paper is dealing with fret construction of Khorezmian makoms and its common structure Comparative analysis of Bukharian and Khorezmian makoms had been made. The conclusion about main styles of makoms are given also.


Khorezmian makom, Bukharian makom


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Samandar Kuzievich Khudaibergenov, & Diyarbek Janibekovich Khaitbaev. (2020). Note Design Of Khorezm Makoms And Mutual Integration Of Music With Fine Arts. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(10), 97–102.