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The Semantic And Functional Characteristics Of Syntactic Stylistic Devices In The Example Of Repetition

Munira Makhamadievna Atamuratova , 2-Course Master Of Foreign Language And Literature Department, Faculty Of Philology, Termez State University


This article aims to indicate the importance of syntactic stylistic devices mainly repetition in textual formulation that is based on the characteristics of the oral form of speech and syntactic stylistic devices which is expressed the structural meanings of the syntactic stylistic devices. In the aspects of this problem, it is important to analyze the role of syntactic stylistic devices in the formation of functional styles of the language, to justify the importance of syntactic stylistic devices in the presenting the main logic and contextual meanings in the literary texts. As analyzing any kind of literary text syntactic stylistic devices, that is repetition, chiasmus, stylistic inversion, gradation, ellipsis, antithesis, parallel construction, detached construction and enumeration have the greatest impact. However, according to results of analyzing, repetition is one of the widely used within these syntactic stylistic devices by contrast other models of speech.



Repetition, syntactic


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Munira Makhamadievna Atamuratova. (2020). The Semantic And Functional Characteristics Of Syntactic Stylistic Devices In The Example Of Repetition. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(10), 70–74.