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The Waqf Document As A Historical Source Of An Architectural Monument(In The Example Of The Sakhibzada Khazret Madrasah In Kokand)

Salimakhon N. Eshonova, , Candidate Of Philological Sciences Head Of Department Of Oriental Classical Literature Of The Institute Of Oriental Studies Named After Abu Rayhan Beruni Of The Academy Of Sciences Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan


The ownership of funds or property (usually immovable property) provided by the ruler or owner, as a rule, for the material support of mosques, madrassas, tombs was fixed in waqf documents, which, in particular, indicated the location of a religious institution and immovable property transferred to as a waqf, and also established the procedure for distribution and legal relations between the waqif (the person who gives the waqf property) and the user of this property. Also, these documents may not often contain certain information about the history of this architectural monument.

The waqf documents related to the Sakhibzada Khazret madrasah kept at the Central State Archive of the Republic of Uzbekistan, along with legal and property issues, contain the name and origin of its architect, information about the time and place of construction of the mosque building, i.e. its geographical boundaries and topography. They also provide a rather detailed description of the madrasah structure and functions of the complex buildings. By the way, usually this kind of data does not occur in the manuscript and epigraphic sources that rightly allows us to consider this document as a valuable historic source. Based on the comparative study, this article substantiates the historical significance of the waqf document on the Sakhibzada Khazret madrasah.


Monument, epigraphy


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Salimakhon N. Eshonova,. (2020). The Waqf Document As A Historical Source Of An Architectural Monument(In The Example Of The Sakhibzada Khazret Madrasah In Kokand). The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(10), 43–58.