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The National Library Of Uzbekistan As A Digital Humanities Center In Uzbekistan

Zumrad Rakhmankulova , Phd Of History, Associate Professor, Department Of Source Studies And Archival Studies, National University Of Uzbekistan


This article analyzes data on Digital Humanitarian center in Uzbekistan and their achievements. Today, Digital Humanities is one of the fastest-growing fields not only in Uzbekistan but also in the world. The article also analyzes information on the creation of digital copies of historical archival documents, museums and their exhibits in large Digital Humanitarian Centre of the A. Navai National Library of Uzbekistan. Also classified interesting materials about modern technical equipment and problems using electronic libraries.


Digital humanities, Republic of Uzbekistan


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Zumrad Rakhmankulova. (2020). The National Library Of Uzbekistan As A Digital Humanities Center In Uzbekistan. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(10), 25–33.