The Role Of The Department Of Archeology Of The National University Of Uzbekistan In The Study Of The Ancient And Medieval History Of The Tashkent Oasis
Haydarov Zuhriddin , 2nd Year Master's Degree In Faculty Of History National University Of UzbekistanAbstract
The Tashkent oasis is one of the most ancient historical regions of Central Asia and plays an important role in the socio-economic, cultural and ethnic history of Uzbekistan. Life in it is formed on the banks of the Syrdarya basin. The Tashkent oasis is surrounded on three sides by the Tien Shan, Chatkal and Qurama mountain ranges. The mountains surrounding the oasis were rich in minerals. They are precious and non-ferrous metals - gold and silver, copper and lead, tin, iron ore, flint and kaolin lumps, marble and silicon-enriched and slaked lime.
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