Modernization Of Uzbek Language And National-Spiritual Heritage In National Culture
Farxodjonova Nodira Farxodjon Qizi , Teacher Of Namangan Engineering – Construction Institute, Independent Researcher Of National University Of UzbekistanAbstract
Development of science and education aspiration, as well as the international spread of the achievements of Science and technology contributed to the emergence of new technologies, which in turn caused the world to receive a new look.
Mankind lives under the influence of global changes. Global changes and achievements in the world are affecting all spheres of society's life. Economic life is globalizing. In social political life, too, global changes are taking place. At the same time, the sphere of culture and national culture is also experiencing certain changes, updates.
In this article highlights of modernization of uzbek language and national-spiritual heritage in national culture.
Modernization, integration, globalization
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