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Allusion As The Way Of Rendering Elements Of Ancient Greek Mythology In The Tissue Of Modern Literature

Mirzaeva Aziza Shavkatovna , Master at the Department of Foreign language and Literature, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Bukhara State University, Bukhara, Uzbekistan


World literature of XX century has experienced the great influence of postmodermism, which resulted in diversity of styles and refusal of well-known structures and forms. One of the most widely used stylistic devices, characterizing the features of postmodernism, is intertextuality. Appearing only in recent years, intertext become widespread with its own forms, such as allusion, quote and reminiscence. And the novel “Percy Jackson” b y American writer Rick Riordan seems to be an example of the use of intertext-allusion within the work. 12-year-old boy, Percy Jackson, becomes the part of adventeruos, danderous and exciting world of Ancient Greek Gods, legends, myths and heroes. This work tries to study and analyse the importance of allusion to understand the idea of the writer and interpret the used allusions in the first book of Riordan “Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief”.


Postmodernism, intertextuality, allusion


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Mirzaeva Aziza Shavkatovna. (2021). Allusion As The Way Of Rendering Elements Of Ancient Greek Mythology In The Tissue Of Modern Literature. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 3(01), 505–514.