Interpretation (Analysis) Of Some Ontological Concepts Inalisher Navai Philosophy
Aliyev Bekdavlat Begaliyevich , Doctor Of Philosophy, Professor Of Tashkent State University Of Economics Tashkent, Uzbekistan Norov Toji Omonovich , Doctor Of Philosophy Of Tashkent State University Of Economics, Tashkent, UzbekistanAbstract
Navai's works also used such philosophical terms, concepts, words that express their essence, that they are the words of ontology, that is, the philosophy of being, which are not yet widely used in philosophy. It is true that the words and terms in Navai's works are etymologically derived from Arabic, Persian, Mongolian, ancient Uzbek, ancient Indian and modern European Greek philosophy, which is the cornerstone of Western philosophy. means that The language of Navai's heritage is so complex that it is a mixture of different languages, especially the words and terms that were in use in his time are no longer in use, making it difficult to understand them now, to get to their essence.
AlisherNavаi's work, philosophical views, non-existent being
PJAEE, 17 (7) (2020) ISSN 1567-214x . Human and Humanitarian Ideas in the Philosophy of AlisherNavoi- p 5470-5476.
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Omonovich, N. T., Bekdavlat, A., Mukhtarovich, K. M., Kaynarbekovich, B. D., Abdukhalilovich, D. A., & Rishatovna, B. K. (2020). HUMAN AND HUMANITARIAN IDEAS IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF ALISHER NAVOI. PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, 17(7), 5470-5476.
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