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Practical Classification Of Realia In English And Uzbek Languages: Semantic Analyses Of Food Realias

Shahzoda Zokirova , Department Of Theoretical Aspects Of English Language Uzbekistan State World Languages University Tashkent, Uzbekistan


This article provides a semantic analysis of food realias in two languages by comparing English and Uzbek cultures and analyzing their similarities and differences dividing them into groups. The article shares essential information on the basis of examples of food realias in two languages. Comparative-typological, synchronic and diachronic methods were used for the purpose of revealing similarities and distinctions among the realias in two languages. On the basis of those methods it was obvious that semantic analyses of realias blurt out differences in culture, technology of cooking and ingridients of food. A simple analyses of this type could be a model for researchers anywhere who wish to investigate their professional practice.



Realia, semantic analyses, haggis


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Shahzoda Zokirova. (2021). Practical Classification Of Realia In English And Uzbek Languages: Semantic Analyses Of Food Realias. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 3(01), 451–457.