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Public Communication In The System Of State And Public Governance As A Social Criteria

Salieva M.K. , Senior Teacher, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Department of Translation Studies and International Journalism, Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan


The purpose of the article is the beginning of the era of democratic reforms in public administration of the Republic of Uzbekistan, innovative technologies, the role of information and legal relations in society, which is on the path of modern development. It is planned to pay more attention to the experience of Uzbekistan and foreign countries, to develop a legal culture in society, to promote various forms of communication systems based on the concept of legal communication in the concept of human rights.


Law, information and legal, communication


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Salieva M.K. (2021). Public Communication In The System Of State And Public Governance As A Social Criteria. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 3(01), 423–429.