The Role Of The Teacher In The Education Of Young People
Abdirashid M. Mirzakhmedov , Doсtor Of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor Of The Department "Social Sciences" Namangan Engineering-Technological Institute Namangan City, Uzbekistan Khurshid A. Mirzakhmedov , Doctoral Student Of Namangan State University Namangan City, UzbekistanAbstract
The article analyzes new approaches to the phenomenon of the teacher of the New Century as a professional of spiritual enlightenment of society. The personality of the teacher in the context of the globalization of information technologies becomes incomparably important, training and education determines the fate of peoples, which is crucial for the future of world civilization. The formation and development of the professionalism of teachers are interrelated with the socio-cultural traditions and national characteristics of the people, which ultimately contributes to improving the quality and efficiency of the education system. To be a teacher in our time is to engage in creative intellectual work on the introduction of the most advanced teaching methods, skills and skills of educational work among students, innovative approaches in regulating the moods and educational guidelines of students/students. The Government of Uzbekistan has taken a course of reforms aimed at radically improving and improving the quality of education with the creation of decent conditions for teachers. The government will also continue to work to ensure decent pay for teachers-teachers that the teaching profession should become the most authoritative and respected in society. In the context of globalization, teachers are faced with grandiose tasks, the solution of which is impossible without pedagogical initiative and full dedication to the cause with great love of the younger generation, to be aware of all the events of information technology. Islam prefers secular education to religious education, that teachers are the heirs of the prophets, and that respect for teachers is the path to self - purification and salvation of the soul. The authors in their pedagogical analyses of the teacher status in the context of the entire educational policy of the government emphasize the need to improve the personnel policy in the higher education system.
Teacher, mentor, teacher-teacher
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