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The Role Of Ethno-Confessional Leaders In The Political Life Of Society

Khurshid A. Mirzakhmedov , Doctoral Student Of Namangan State University, Uzbekistan


In the article, the authors are based on the verdict that the main and most important element of world religion is the phenomenon of the prophets. However, at the beginning of the New century as a world. Similarly, in regional terms, the media reports about false prophets and insults to religious prophets, including the great prophet Muhammad, which negatively affects the feelings of believers in the Muslim world. According to the authors of the article, this seriously depresses the international political situation, since the cult of the Holy prophets is recognized as the meaning-forming basis of the Muslim faith.

The article proves that the goal of Islam in the formation and development of the socio-cultural life of Muslims is based on the strengthening of spiritual and cultural identity, based on the priority of recognizing the Majesty of the prophet Muhammad, that any skepticism or insults is a threat to the entire system of Islam's ideology. The authors note that the life of the great Muhammad is generally accepted as an example of the righteous organization of the personal and collective life of the Muslim community, which forms the highest qualities of spiritual and moral culture among believers.



The prophet, the life of the prophets, the status of a Muslim


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Khurshid A. Mirzakhmedov. (2021). The Role Of Ethno-Confessional Leaders In The Political Life Of Society. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 3(01), 364–373.