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Writer In Memory Of His Contemporaries And In The Eternal Honor

Abdualimova Shalola Abdualim Qizi , Mirabad District Of Tashkent City 294 Th General High School Mother Tongue And Literature Teacher Tashkent, Uzbekistan


This article covers the difficult life and career of the great writer, the founder of Uzbek novels Abdullah Qadiri, his experiences, the warm words of contemporary poets and writers about the writer, the author's multifaceted work and other information.


Abdullah Qadiri, writer, creation


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A.Qodiriy. About my father. T .: G’.G’ulom, 1983.

Sh.Qodiriy. Kissing the Almighty. T .: Abdulla Qodiri National Heritage Publishing House, 1994.

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Abdualimova Shalola Abdualim Qizi. (2021). Writer In Memory Of His Contemporaries And In The Eternal Honor. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 3(01), 344–357.