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The Youth Education In The Traditions Of Fergana Pottery

Hasanboy Umarov , Lecturers of the Department of Fine and Applied Arts, Namangan State University, Uzbekistan
Bakhtiyor Ruzinov , Lecturers of the Department of Fine and Applied Arts, Namangan State University, Uzbekistan


The territory of the Fergana Valley, known as the pearl of Uzbekistan, is famous for its ancient cities, vast fields, architectural monuments, sweet fruits in beautiful gardens, handicrafts such as Chust knives and doppis, Margilan doppis, Shahrikhan knives, silk atlas, adras, silk, and beqasam.


Potter, element, practical decoration


The Presidential Decree on November 17, 2017 ‘On measures to further develop handicrafts, comprehensive support for artisans’

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Hasanboy Umarov, & Bakhtiyor Ruzinov. (2021). The Youth Education In The Traditions Of Fergana Pottery. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 3(01), 259–263.