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Linguistic Picture Of The World Of The American Presidential Discourse And Its Representation In Uzbeklanguage

Ismailov Turgun Salaxiddinovich , Senior Teacher, Uzbek State University Of World Languages, Uzbekistan


This article is devoted to the study of the linguistic nature of the presidential discourse, which reflects elements of the socio-political life and culture of the country, as well as common and national specific cultural values. The article notes that the first speech of the presidents has a special place in the genre structure of the presidential discourse, is strongly connected to a particular political event, is recorded in the plan of time and space; In order to emotionally influence the minds of the people, to strengthen the pragmatics of speech, the linguistic means used in this speech, such as axiological lexicon, metaphor, phraseology, syntactic parallelism, rhetorical question, exhortation and appeal, are systematized and focused on their translation into Uzbek.


Presidential discourse, inauguration speech, speech pragmatics


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Ismailov Turgun Salaxiddinovich. (2021). Linguistic Picture Of The World Of The American Presidential Discourse And Its Representation In Uzbeklanguage. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 3(01), 230–234.