On The Question Of The History Formation Of Uzbek-German Literary And Cultural Relations (1960-1975)
Shukhratkhon Salijanovna Imyaminova , Professor, Head Of The “Department Of German Philology”, Faculty Of “Foreign Philology”, National University Of Uzbekistan Named After Mirzo Ulugbek, Uzbekistan Sadirjon Bakievich Yakubov , Associate Professor, Department Of “German Philology”, Faculty Of “Foreign Philology”, National University Of Uzbekistan Named After Mirzo Ulugbek, UzbekistanAbstract
The productive value of a literary work depends on its functioning. The very development of national literatures is impossible without interrelationships with other literatures, mutual influence and mutual redemption, the study of interethnic literary contacts has acquired special significance and relevance. Literary ties between Uzbekistan and Germany have their own history and interesting facets of modern interaction. German fiction is well known in Uzbekistan. The interaction and relationship of literatures are associated with the cultural and economic interaction of peoples.
Productive value, functioning, mutual influence
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