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Developing Personal Creativity: Important Theoretical Ideas And The Chronology Of Their Formation

Ibodatkhon Makhmudova , Teacher Of English In The Chair Of The English Language, Ferghana State University, Uzbekistan


The problem of developing person’s creative abilities has a special place in the history of the development of pedagogical ideas. Teaching a person to develop creative thinking is carried out on the basis of his creative abilities. Therefore, the idea of Graham Wallace underlies the theory of the development of person’s creativity. The idea is based on the fact that the process of creative activity is the four-stage process. Dozens of new views have been advanced more than a hundred years after Wallace’s idea. As a result, was formed a theory of developing creative abilities of the individual. The article discusses important ideas of the theory of developing creative abilities of the individual and the chronology of their formation. 


Creativity, creative ability, development, students, chronology


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Makhmudova, I. . (2021). Developing Personal Creativity: Important Theoretical Ideas And The Chronology Of Their Formation. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 3(05), 300–305.