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Efficiency Of Biological Preparations In The Fight Against Cotton Scoop On Tomato

Hikoyat Kamilovna Agzamova , Ph.D., Senior Researcher, Research Institute Of Plant Protection, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Saidakhon Abdusalomovna Mirzaeva , Candidate Of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head Of The Department Of Plant Protection Of The Andijan Institute Of Agriculture And Agrotechnology, Andijan, Uzbekistan
Khurshidabonu Shavkatjon Kyzy Shokirova , Master, Andijan Institute Of Agriculture And Agrotechnology, Andijan, Uzbekistan


The article presents the results of testing microbiological preparations Bioslip BT and Bioslip BW against cotton scoop on tomato. The results of the experiment showed that in the experimental variants treated with Bioslip BT at a rate of 1.0-1.5 kg/ha and Bioslip BW at a rate of 2.0-3.0 l / ha, the efficiency was, respectively, on the 14th day after treatment 77.9-91.2%; 70.2-87.3%. The advantages of the microbiological method are both in the possibility of prevention and in their safety for humans, warm-blooded animals and the environment.


Bioslip BT, Bioslip BW, cotton scoop


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Hikoyat Kamilovna Agzamova, Saidakhon Abdusalomovna Mirzaeva, & Khurshidabonu Shavkatjon Kyzy Shokirova. (2021). Efficiency Of Biological Preparations In The Fight Against Cotton Scoop On Tomato. The American Journal of Agriculture and Biomedical Engineering, 3(01), 66–71.