Editorial Board
Vishvanathan Reddy
Editor-in-Chief(Department of Agricultural and Natural Resources)
vreddy@usajournalshub.com, BSc, MSc, Phd in Agricultural and Natural Resources from University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore India
Priyanka M. Rajvardhan
Editor-in-Chief (Department of BioMedical Engineering)
B.Tech, M.Tech in BioMedical Engineering, Phd in Material Sciences Clausthal University of Technology Clausthal-Zellerfeld 38678, Germany
Butnaru Gallia
butnaru2014@gmail.com, Dept . of Genetic Engineering/ Genetics Banat University of Agriculture & Vet.Med.,Romania
K Pal
College of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences Haramaya University,Ethiopia
Kevin McPhee, USDA-ARS,
Washington State University, PO Box 646434, Pullman, WA 99164-6434 USA
Angelo Massacci,
Institute of Agro-environment and Forest Biology,National research Council of Italy, Via salaria Km 29, 00016 Monterotondo Scalo ,Roma Italy.
Samarendu Mohanty,
Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Texas Tech University, Box 42132 Lubbock, Texas 79409, USA
Tsabang Nolé
Doctoral/Ph.D.University of Yaounde 1, Cameroon: Faculty of Sciences Africa.
Ravshanov Azam Erkinovich, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory at Cotton Breeding, Seed Production and Agrotechnologies Research Institute, Uzbekistan
Avtonomov Viktor Aleksandrovich, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory at Cotton Breeding, Seed Production and Agrotechnologies Research Institute, Uzbekistan
Karimov Sharofiddin Abdukarimovich, Doctor of Philosophy of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Research at Cotton Breeding, Seed Production and Agrotechnologies Research Institute, Uzbekistan
Tojiboyev Umar Rustamovich, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associated Professor, Director of the Scientific Research Institute of Cotton Breeding, Seed Breeding and Cultivation of Fergana Scientific Experimental Station, Uzbekistan
Ergashev Nodirbek Yuldashalievich, Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Sciences, Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs and Innovations, Director of the Fergana Scientific Experimental Station, Scientific Research Institute of Cotton Breeding, Seeding and Agrotechnology of Cultivation, Uzbekistan
Fazilov Lazizjon, Director of the Fergana Region Regional Branch of the Scientific-Research Institute of Plant Quarantine and Protection, Uzbekistan
Khamdamov Jakhongir Usmonali
Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Sciences (PhD), Fergana Scientific-Experimental Station of the Research Institute of Grain and Leguminous, Uzbekistan
Ismatullayev Zakirjon Yusupovich
Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Sciences (PhD), Fergana Scientific-Experimental Station of the Research Institute of Grain and Leguminous, Uzbekistan
Ibragimov Bekzod Odiljonovich
Director of the Fergana Region Regional Branch of the Scientific-Research Institute of Plant Quarantine and Protection, Uzbekistan
Norbutayeva Begoyim Xusan kizi
Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Breeding and Seed Breeding, Scientific Research Institute of Cereals and Leguminous Crops, Sirdarya Scientific Experimental Station, Uzbekistan
Rasulov Azamat Davronovich
Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Common Technical Sciences of "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agriculturel mechanization engineers" National Research University, Uzbekistan
Sobirova Mukaddas Batirovna-Jizzakh branch of national University after named Mirza Ulugbek, Uzbekistan
Mustafakulov Mukhammad Abduvaliyevich (PhD) Associate professor of Jizzakh branch of national university of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Uzbekistan
Soatov Baxrom Baxtiyorovich, Jizzakh branch of national University after named Mirza Ulugbek, Uzbekistan