Scientific Basis Of Protection Of Wild Species Of Cultural Plants Of Karakalpakstan
A.B.Ajiev , Associate Professor Of The Department Of Methods Of Teaching Botany And Ecology, Nukus State Pedagogical Institute Named After Azhiniyaz, Nukus, UzbekistanAbstract
The article substantiates the scientific basis for the protection of wild relatives of cultivated plants in Karakalpakstan. According to the classification, 10 species (or 5, 8%) were included in the category of rare species. These are representatives of 7 families from 9 genera. The category of species whose range is declining includes 9 species from 7 families and 9 genera. Micro-foci of maximum concentration of DSCR were identified, and it was proposed to create 5 more OPTs in them. It is also proposed to declare the populations of Malacocarpus crithmifolius (Retz) C.A. Mey., Amygdalus spinossisima Bunge and Ammodendron longiracemosum Raik as natural monuments.
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