Wild Relatives Of Cultivated Plants Of Karakalpakstan And Khorezm And Their Systematic Review
A.B. Ajiev , Associate Professor Of The Department Of Methods Of Teaching Botany And Ecology, Nukus State Pedagogical Institute Named After Ajiniyaz, Nukus, UzbekistanAbstract
The results of systematic review of wild relatives of cultivated plants (WRCP) of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and Khorezm are presented.
In the flora of Karakalpakstan and Khorezm, 171 species of wild relatives of cultivated plants belonging to 117 genera and 39 families are recorded. The largest number of WRCP species is found in the Chenopodiaceae. Family, there are 11 general, 29 species in it, which is 9.44 and 16.9 %%, respectively. The family Poaceae has 25 species of wild relatives, concentrated in 20 genera (14.6% and 17.12%, respectively). The third place belongs to the Fabaceae family and Asteraceae: 15 (8.77%) and 13 (7.6%) species, respectively, belonging to 10 (8.56%) genera were recorded in it. Family - Brassicaceae - represented in the outbreak by 11 (9.44%) genera, in which 13 (7.6%) species are wild relatives of cultivated plants or are close to cultivated.
Wild relatives of cultivated plants, flora, natural plant communities
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Ajiev A.B. Wild Relatives of cultivated plantsof the republic of Karakalpakstan AND Khorezm and their economic significance. Vol. 21 No. 6 (2020): October 2020. Journal of Natural Remedies (JNR) с ISSN: 2320-3358
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