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Effects Of Sowing Scheme On Yield Elements And Yield Of Oil Sunflower Varieties

Zulfiya Kamalovna Yuldasheva , Candidate Of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Department Of Soybeans And Oilseeds, Tashkent State Agrarian University, Uzbekistan
Nargiza Khashimjanovna Ergasheva , Master Student, Department Of Soybeans And Oilseeds, Tashkent State Agrarian University, Uzbekistan


In this scientific article, new Buzuluk and Irtish fast-ripening and the local Dilbar varieties of sunflower from the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Oilseeds named after V.S. Pustovayt were planted in 70x20, 70x25, 70x30, 70x35 planting scheme, and among the varieties Buzuluk variety showed high results. Dilbar, Buzuluk varieties were found to have high yields in the 70x30 sowing scheme (27.5 and 32.6 ts/ha), and Irtish varieties in the 70x25 sowing scheme (25.6 ts/ha).



Oily sunflower, , planting scheme, varieties


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Zulfiya Kamalovna Yuldasheva, & Nargiza Khashimjanovna Ergasheva. (2021). Effects Of Sowing Scheme On Yield Elements And Yield Of Oil Sunflower Varieties. The American Journal of Agriculture and Biomedical Engineering, 3(01), 1–5.