I.A. Tuynazarova , Lecturer at Jizzakh polytechnic institute, Jizzakh, UzbekistanAbstract
The ecology of Pontastacus leptodactylus (Eschschscholtz, 1823) in the water bodies of the Mirzachul region is considered. This species is widespread in the region's freshwater ecosystems and plays an important role as a bioindicator of the state of aquatic ecosystems. The study focuses on the analysis of the habitat of Pontastacus leptodactylus, including the physicochemical parameters of water, such as temperature, oxygen level, transparency, mineralization, and the dynamics of flow velocity and depth. The primary focus is on how this species responds to changes in these parameters and its sensitivity to anthropogenic factors, which allows it to be used as an indicator of water quality. The role of Pontastacus leptodactylus in assessing the ecological state of water bodies is analyzed, and recommendations are proposed for using this species for monitoring water resources in the Mirzachul region.
Biota, indicator characteristics, assessment of water bodies
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