Alice Gallo , Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences (DISTAL), University of Bologna, ItalyAbstract
This study evaluates the feasibility and benefits of installing solar energy systems on the rooftops of livestock housing facilities. With growing energy demands in agricultural sectors and increasing attention to sustainability, utilizing solar photovoltaic (PV) systems on these buildings presents a promising solution for renewable energy generation. We assess the energy potential of solar panels based on roof orientation, surface area, and local solar irradiance data. Furthermore, we examine economic considerations, including cost savings, return on investment, and potential incentives for solar adoption. The study also explores the benefits of solar energy systems in maintaining temperature stability within livestock facilities, which can positively impact animal welfare. Our findings indicate that rooftop solar installations can significantly contribute to energy self-sufficiency in livestock farms, reduce operational costs, and support sustainable farming practices. This research provides a framework for livestock farmers to integrate solar technology as part of a sustainable energy strategy.
Solar energy potential, Livestock housing, Rooftop solar systems
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