Bianca Mancini , Department of Agro-Environmental Science (DISAAT), Aldo Moro University of Bari, ItalyAbstract
Farm workers are frequently exposed to a wide range of environmental pollutants, including pesticides, fertilizers, and industrial emissions, which can pose significant health risks. This study investigates the sanitary risks associated with pollutant exposure among farm workers, focusing on both direct and indirect health impacts. Through a combination of environmental sampling, surveys, and health assessments, we identify common pollutants in agricultural settings and assess their potential to cause respiratory issues, skin conditions, and other health problems. Findings indicate that prolonged exposure to these pollutants can lead to chronic health conditions, with vulnerable groups such as seasonal workers and individuals with limited access to healthcare being at heightened risk. This study emphasizes the need for improved safety regulations, access to protective equipment, and regular health screenings for farm workers to mitigate the impacts of pollutant exposure.
Environmental pollutants, Farm workers, Sanitary risks
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