Nafasov Zafar Nurmahmadovich , Doctor of agricultural sciences, senior researcher, Head of the laboratory Plant Protection and Quarantine Research Institute, 111215, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Obidjanov Dilshod Axmed Xuja ugli , Doctor of agricultural sciences, senior researcher, Head of the laboratory Plant Protection and Quarantine Research Institute, 111215, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Allayarov Nodirjon Jo‘rayevich , Senior researcher, Plant Protection and Quarantine Research Institute, 111215, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Muminov Mansur Shodikulovich , Doctor of philosophy of agricultural sciences, Research Institute of Quarantine and Plant Protection, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Xoshimova Dilnoza Karimjonovna , Doctoral student (PhD), Plant Protection and Quarantine Research Institute, 111215, Tashkent, UzbekistanAbstract
In the article Duplet TT 22,5% em.c. the drug was used in the growth period of 0,5 l/ha against phomoza and needle cast diseases in pine. The biological effectiveness of the drug against diseases was 84,7% for phomoza, 83,8% for needle cast, and other information were given.
Hawthorn, disease, biological efficiency
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Copyright (c) 2024 Nafasov Zafar Nurmahmadovich, Obidjanov Dilshod Axmed Xuja ugli, Allayarov Nodirjon Jo‘rayevich, Muminov Mansur Shodikulovich, Xoshimova Dilnoza Karimjonovna

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