Kholjigitov Askar Marifjonovich , Doctoral candidate of the Tashkent branch of the Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology, Uzbekistan Rakhmon Istamovich Ruziev , Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry and Poultry, candidate of agricultural sciences, senior researcher, UzbekistanAbstract
We studied milk yield of cows in experimental groups in relation to live weight. In group I, cows with a live weight of 460 kg were described, the amount of milk obtained from them was 461-480 kg, 481-520 kg, and 367.5, respectively, of cows with a live weight of 521 kg and more; 485.0 and 512.5 kg, milk fat output 11.9; 17.0 and 18.6 kg, the amount of milk with 4% is 295.3; 425.4 and 463.9 kg were higher. But cows with high live weight in groups II and III showed high milk yield. Among them, the milk yield of cows with live weight of 501 kg and more in group II was 480 kg, 783.3 and 821.7 kg, respectively, compared to cows with 481-500 kg. was high, in group III cows with a live weight of 501 kg and more compared to the cows of this group with a live weight of 450 kg, 451-470 kg, 471-500 kg, respectively 855.0 kg, 548.7 and 848.7 It was noted that it changed to kg.
Breed, production of live weight milk, productivity
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Copyright (c) 2024 Kholjigitov Askar Marifjonovich, Rakhmon Istamovich Ruziev

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