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Sihombing Piliang , Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Andalas University, Indonesia


This study examines the value-added distribution in the brown sugar (Saka) groindustry in Bukik Batabuah Village, Canduang Sub-district, Agam Regency. The research aims to identify the key factors influencing value addition and to analyze how the benefits are distributed among different stakeholders in the production chain. Using qualitative and quantitative methods, data were collected through interviews with local producers, field observations, and financial analysis of production costs and revenues. The findings reveal significant disparities in value distribution, with primary producers receiving a smaller share compared to middlemen and final sellers. The study highlights the need for strategic interventions to enhance value capture by primary producers, including improved production techniques, market access, and cooperative frameworks. Recommendations are provided to optimize value distribution and promote sustainable economic growth within the local groindustry.


Value Added Distribution, Brown Sugar (Saka), Groindustry


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Sihombing Piliang. (2024). VALUE-ADDED DISTRIBUTION ANALYSIS IN THE BROWN SUGAR (SAKA) GROINDUSTRY. The American Journal of Agriculture and Biomedical Engineering, 6(06), 1–6. Retrieved from