Berdieva Xonimoy Evodullaevna , Doctoral student, Livestock and Poultry Scientific Research Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan Ruziboev Nuraddin Raximovich , Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Livestock and Poultry Scientific Research Institute, Republic of UzbekistanAbstract
The article presents information on improvement of selection traits of lambs born from "inbred" breeding of F2 crossbred sheep using selection-genetic indicators. Studies show that selection of lambs born from inbreeding of F2 hybrid sheep based on positive correlation coefficients between selection traits is important for creating high-yielding breeding flocks in the future. At the same time, the regression coefficients of crossbred lambs in group II were higher than the regression coefficients of pure jaidari lambs in group I, and especially it was found that the regression coefficients of crossbred rams in group II achieved the highest result. According to the heredity of the sheep, it was found that the live weight of the sheep, the height of the withers, the oblique length of the body, the width of the chest, the depth of the chest, the circumference of the udder, and the circumference of the calf, that is, the coefficients of heredity are moderate.
Breed, jaidari, hisar
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