Mohammad Hasan , Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Djuanda, IndonesiaAbstract
This study investigates the effects of supplementing torch ginger flower extract in commercial feed on the nutrition and health of local male ducks. Torch ginger (Etlingera elatior) is known for its potential health benefits due to its rich phytochemical content. Male ducks were fed with commercial feed enriched with torch ginger flower extract, and their growth performance, nutrient utilization, and health parameters were evaluated over a specified period. Results indicate promising outcomes in terms of improved nutrition and health markers among the ducks fed with the supplemented feed. This research sheds light on the potential of torch ginger flower extract as a dietary supplement for enhancing the nutrition of local male ducks and warrants further exploration in poultry nutrition.
Local male ducks, Torch ginger flower extract, Commercial feed
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