Quality Assurance And Export Potential Of Uzbek Grapes
Muminov Najmiddin Shamsiddinovich , Doctor Of Technical Sciences, Head Of The Department Of Standardization And Certification Of Agricultural Products, Tashkent State Agrarian University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Kendjaev Anvar Аkromovich , Master Of The Tashkent State Agrarian University, Tashkent, UzbekistanAbstract
The article describes the chemical composition and nutritional value of grapes, assortment and its classification, technology for the production and storage of grapes, tasting assessment and the standard requirement for the quality of table grape varieties. Also, the state of development of the viticulture and winemaking industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan is analyzed, the assortment and classification of products are analyzed. The requirement of the international standard for the quality of table grapes (UNECE FFV-19) is given. As a result of the analysis and research, recommendations were developed to ensure the quality and safety of grapes and wine products and to increase their export potential.
Viticulture, grapes, winemaking
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