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Polysyndetone And Asyndetone Events In Following Polypredicative Units

Dilmurod Rahmadjonovich Teshaboev , Doctor Of Philosophy (PhD) In Philology, Fergana State University, Uzbekistan


In this article, the phenomena of polysyndeton and asyndeton, which serve to provide stylistic, communicative-pragmatic aspects of adverbial dual predicate and polypredicative units, the formation of these methodological tools, their special nature, asyndeton and asyndectonic phenomena used in adverbial polypredicative units, as well as their the linguistic means involved in the occurrence of asyndeton and polysindetone phenomena in follow-up polypredicative units are considered.


Methodical tool, polysyndeton, asyndeton, complex syntactic device with polysyndeton event, complex syntactic device with asyndeton event, double-predicate unit with follow-up, polypredicative unit with follow-up, main predicative unit, follow-up predicative unit, lexical-grammatical forms, predict


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Teshaboev, D. R. . (2021). Polysyndetone And Asyndetone Events In Following Polypredicative Units. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 3(05), 225–229.