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On The Intonation Of Communicative Types Of Sentence In Turkology

Maftuna Muhammadovna Gaziyeva , Senior Lecturer Of The Department Of Linguistics, Doctor Of Philosophy In Philology, Fergana State University, Uzbekistan
Zamira Rahmonova , Teacher Of Academic Lyceum Fergana Branch Of Tashkent University Of Information Technologies, Uzbekistan


The article explores the history of research on the intonation features of communicative types of sentence. It also highlights problematic issues of intonation and prosody and points to their solutions.



Intonation, prosody, accent, melody, tempo, timbre, intonation of communicative types of sentence


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Gaziyeva, M. M. ., & Rahmonova, Z. . (2021). On The Intonation Of Communicative Types Of Sentence In Turkology. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 3(05), 216–224.