Linguistic Features Of Latin And Greek Synonymous Morphemes In The Lexical System Of The French Language (Based On Medical Texts)
Shakhnoza Esonovna Abraeva , Teacher, Department Of “Uzbek And Foreign Languages”, Tashkent Medical Academy, UzbekistanAbstract
This article discusses the use of medical terminology, which includes Latin and Greek terms and morphemes. Because Latin and Greek terms are becoming a major part of medical terminology. The article also states that the main function of medical terms is to express a scientific concept in one sense. Latin-Greek morphemes play an important role in the formation of medical lexicon. In addition to the most common methods of term formation, there are also some methods, the results of which are abbreviations, homonyms, synonyms, eponyms, and so on. To understand the meaning of these medical terms, we are required to become familiar with their morphology.
Medical terminology, morpheme, morphology, Latin-Greek, lexicon, synonymy, word formation, neologism, medicine, cardiology
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