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Food and nutrition security for women and children are important for nation's health and development

Abubakar Danjuma Bundaram , PhD student of city university Cambodia, Department of public health, Cambodia


This article examines the crucial role of balanced nutrition in maintaining most favourable health and wellbeing. A comprehensive analysis of existing written works highlight the significance of essential nutrients, including macronutrients, micronutrients, and fiber, in preventing chronic diseases, enhancing cognitive function, and promoting healthy weight management. The analysis underscore the importance of adopting a well-balanced diet, tailored to individual needs, to mitigate the risk of nutrition-related disorders and optimize quality of life.


Food, nutrition, security for women


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Abubakar Danjuma Bundaram. (2025). Food and nutrition security for women and children are important for nation’s health and development. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 7(02), 25–30.