Kennedy Oberhiri Obohwemu , PhD, Department of Health, Wellbeing & Social Care, Global Banking School/Oxford Brookes University, Birmingham, United Kingdom; PENKUP Research Institute, Birmingham, United Kingdom Gordon Mabengban Yakpir , PhD, Department of Health, Wellbeing & Social Care, Global Banking School/Oxford Brookes University, Birmingham, United Kingdom Simran Koretaine , LLM, Department of Health, Wellbeing & Social Care, Global Banking School/Oxford Brookes University, Birmingham, United Kingdom Friday Ibiangake Ndioho , PhD, Department of Health Professions, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, United Kingdom Maame Ama Owusuaa-Asante , PhD, Department of Health, Wellbeing & Social Care, Global Banking School/Oxford Brookes University, Birmingham, United Kingdom Nourhan Abdelkader , MSC, Department of Health, Wellbeing & Social Care, Global Banking School/Oxford Brookes University, Birmingham, United Kingdom Jamila Ally , MSC, Department of Health, Wellbeing & Social Care, Global Banking School/Oxford Brookes University, Birmingham, United Kingdom Karen Henry , MSC, IBIC Change, London, United Kingdom Jesse Omoregie , PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Bolton, Bolton, United Kingdom Gabriel Abayomi , PhD, Department of Health, Wellbeing & Social Care, Global Banking School/Oxford Brookes University, Manchester, United Kingdom Oluwatoyin Aderinsola Bewaji , PhD, Department of Health, Wellbeing & Social Care, Global Banking School/Oxford Brookes University, Manchester, United Kingdom Aung Htet Sai Bo Bo , MPH, Department of Health, Wellbeing & Social Care, Global Banking School/Oxford Brookes University, Manchester, United Kingdom Angela Augustine , MSC, Department of Health, Wellbeing & Social Care, Global Banking School/Oxford Brookes University, Manchester, United Kingdom Adaorah R. Onuorah , PhD, Department of Health, Wellbeing & Social Care, Oxford Brookes University, Leeds, United Kingdom Reginald Ugochukwu Amanze , PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Bolton, Bolton, United KingdomAbstract
This systematic review comprehensively examines the development, mechanisms, and socio-cultural influences on self-comforting behaviours over the past 50 years, integrating findings from psychology, developmental science, and psychiatry. Self-comforting behaviours—such as thumb-sucking, positive self-talk, and support-seeking—are adaptive strategies for managing stress and maintaining emotional equilibrium across all life stages. These behaviours are essential for coping with stress and maintaining emotional balance throughout life. Drawing on multiple theoretical frameworks, including attachment theory, stress and coping, cognitive-behavioural, and psychodynamic perspectives, this review identifies patterns and functions of self-comforting behaviours. It highlights both their adaptive roles in promoting resilience and their maladaptive roles in exacerbating psychological distress. Methodologically, the review synthesizes data from quantitative studies across diverse populations, emphasizing the impact of adverse life events on self-comforting behaviours. It examines differences in the intensity, frequency, and outcomes of these behaviours on wellbeing. After a thorough screening process, 94 studies were included in the qualitative synthesis. This extensive review process ensures a comprehensive understanding of how self-comforting behaviours vary across different contexts and populations. The findings reveal that self-comforting behaviours can promote resilience by helping individuals enhance coping skills, manage stress and maintain emotional stability. However, maladaptive forms of these behaviours, such as excessive grooming or substance use, can exacerbate psychological distress. This synthesis underscores the importance of considering developmental stages and socio-cultural contexts when studying self-comforting behaviours. It informs future research and interventions aimed at promoting healthy coping mechanisms. By identifying commonalities and gaps in the existing literature, this review contributes to a nuanced understanding of self-comforting behaviours and their relevance in mental health. It provides a foundation for developing more comprehensive theories and effective interventions to support mental wellbeing. This review highlights the need for tailored approaches that consider individual differences and socio-cultural factors in promoting healthy self-comforting behaviours.
Self-comforting behaviours, adverse life events, stress management
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