Ibtisam Kadhim Jassim , Lect., Technical Institute, Najaf, IraqAbstract
After 2003, the region adjacent to Iraq entered a new case that differed from its previous era. The occupation of Iraq in 2003 and the waging of war against it created a unique situation in the Middle East and the regional surrounding Iraq. The balances that prevailed were disturbed, and all the relations of the active powers entered from within the region. With a kind of chaos and instability, those countries were not able to predict the outcome of matters or their developments, which led to creating a state of anticipation and confusion and waiting for the situation in the region and the decided results and repercussions of the war on Iraq and the occupation.
Strategic Balance, Security, Iraqi National Security
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Quoting (Abdul Hassan) Rafah Abdul Azim, General Policies for National Security in Combating Terrorism in Iraq after 2003.
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Al-Ittihad newspaper, Balance of Power Concept and Practice, March 22, 2016, available at:
(Mostly) Ali, The importance of Iraq in the Iranian strategy, Al-Rasheed Encyclopedia website, 13/6/2010, available at: (Salah) Mustafa, Renewed Crises: Determinants of the Iranian Role in the Arab Region, Arab Center for Studies and Research, Sunday, June 29, 2018, 12.26. Available at: Whoa, whoa, who
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