Shakhribonu Rakhimova , PhD Student, Uzbekistan State World Languages University, Tashkent, UzbekistanAbstract
Receptive skills, particularly reading and listening comprehension, are crucial components of foreign language acquisition. This study explores the interplay between these skills and their significance in language learning by utilizing the scientific literary and analytical–synthetic method. The literature suggests that reading proficiency can enhance other language skills, whereas listening comprehension facilitates foreign language learning through various activities and the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Specific learning disorders, auditory functioning, and instructional materials can influence the development of receptive skills. The relationship between short-term memory (STM) and listening comprehension was also examined, highlighting the importance of enhancing STM capacity in improving listening skills. Additionally, vocabulary knowledge is central to both listening and reading comprehension. The research collectively underscores the importance of targeted strategies and resources to enhance the receptive skills of learners in foreign language contexts. However, individual learner characteristics and prior language experiences may require tailored approaches for effective improvement. While receptive skills are crucial for understanding, some argue that a balanced approach that incorporates both receptive and productive skills may lead to better language outcomes. Although receptive skills are certainly important for comprehension, it can be argued that a more holistic approach to language learning, which includes both receptive and productive skills, may ultimately result in more effective language acquisition. The basic aspects of teaching listening skills involve understanding the cognitive and pedagogical underpinnings of listening comprehension and applying effective strategies, such as top-down and bottom-up processing and a metacognitive approach, to enhance this skill.
Reading comprehension, listening comprehension, foreign language learning
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